[MESS]IAH Skyler Goodman [MESS]IAH Skyler Goodman

[MESS]IAH Week One

Most of us, we want Jesus to come into our lives and fix the mess, but the truth is when Jesus comes into our life, he brings a whole new kind of mess. He messes up our plans, disrupts the program, interrupts the progress – to fulfill His

When God's Purpose messes up Your Plans - Most of us like making plans. We plan so we can feel secure and not have to worry. But what we often find is that God’s purpose is greater than our plans. Joseph and Mary had to deal with a huge blessing that disrupted their plans. Let's look at the mess of the Christmas story through Josephs’ eyes.

Check out Week One of [MESS]IAH here!

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LEAD Andy Kaufman LEAD Andy Kaufman

LEAD: Week Five

What makes a great leader? There’s no shortage of opinion and countless takes on the topic. But what if the most significant example could be found in the Bible? Join as we embark on our new series, Lead, where we’ll unpack the Godly principles and practices that empower modern leaders at home, in the office and beyond.

The Heritage of a Leader

Check out Week Five of LEAD here!

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LEAD Skyler Goodman LEAD Skyler Goodman

LEAD: Week Four

What makes a great leader? There’s no shortage of opinion and countless takes on the topic. But what if the most significant example could be found in the Bible? Join as we embark on our new series, Lead, where we’ll unpack the Godly principles and practices that empower modern leaders at home, in the office and beyond.

The Habits of a Leader

Check out Week Four of LEAD here!

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LEAD Skyler Goodman LEAD Skyler Goodman

LEAD: Week Three

What makes a great leader? There’s no shortage of opinion and countless takes on the topic. But what if the most significant example could be found in the Bible? Join as we embark on our new series, Lead, where we’ll unpack the Godly principles and practices that empower modern leaders at home, in the office and beyond.

The Head of A Leader

Check out Week Three of LEAD here!

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LEAD Skyler Goodman LEAD Skyler Goodman

LEAD: Week Two

What makes a great leader? There’s no shortage of opinion and countless takes on the topic. But what if the most significant example could be found in the Bible? Join as we embark on our new series, Lead, where we’ll unpack the Godly principles and practices that empower modern leaders at home, in the office and beyond.

The Hands of A Leader

Check out Week Two of LEAD here!

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LEAD Skyler Goodman LEAD Skyler Goodman

LEAD: Week One

What makes a great leader? There’s no shortage of opinion and countless takes on the topic. But what if the most significant example could be found in the Bible? Join as we embark on our new series, Lead, where we’ll unpack the Godly principles and practices that empower modern leaders at home, in the office and beyond.

The Heart of A Leader

Check out Week One of LEAD here!

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NOPE Skyler Goodman NOPE Skyler Goodman

NOPE: Week Four

We are constantly bombarded with different teachings and ideologies that compete for your mind’s attention and heart’s affection. Learning how to discern what is good and right is possible, but it takes learning what to say “No!” to. Jesus gives us a few “Beware” statements that help us know what things should just be avoided, in order to discover Truth, Freedom, & Peace.

The Way of Contentment - Luke 12 - "“Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”

Check out Week Four of NOPE here!

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NOPE Heritage Church NOPE Heritage Church

NOPE: Week Three

We are constantly bombarded with different teachings and ideologies that compete for your mind’s attention and heart’s affection. Learning how to discern what is good and right is possible, but it takes learning what to say “No!” to. Jesus gives us a few “Beware” statements that help us know what things should just be avoided, in order to discover Truth, Freedom, & Peace.

The Way of Freedom - Matthew 16,23 (Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees...) -- So how can we make sure we don’t become a modern-day Pharisee? How do we keep from becoming religious legalist whose hearts are far from God?

Let’s learn what these 1st Century Jewish Pharisees did so we don’t do the same.

Check out Week Three of NOPE here!

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