Happy: The Lord is Near
What would those who know you best say is your most contagious attribute?
In this message from Philippians chapter 4, Pastor Skyler challenges us to consider that joy should be our contagious attribute. How? The Apostle Paul shares the key, even in the midst of him being imprisoned in chains. He tells us to never forget the proximity of God. The Lord is near.
Join us for this replay to be reminded that your situation is not an indication of God's location. Choose to pray. Choose to say thank you. Choose to worship.
Happy: Fight for the Mind
So many talented, famous artists end up dying tragic, early deaths. It's clear that fame and fortune are not the paths to lasting joy.
In this message from Philippians 3, Pastor Carlos continues our series on Joy. He makes it clear that how we think, what we value, and how we define success can make all the difference between being wrecked by circumstances or experience joy despite them. Carlos shares how the battle is for the mind. Culture is certainly battling for attention, but true joy comes when, as Romans 12:2 tells us, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.
How did the Apostle Paul move forward after doing such abominable things before his conversion to Christ? How do we let go of our past? The answer is fixing our mind on Christ.
Happy: Humility
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while chained to a Roman guard. Yet this short book is considered to be Paul's most joyful letter. How can that be, when his circumstances were so undesirable? It's because we easily mistake the difference between happiness and joy.
In this message from Philippians chapter 2, Pastor Skyler shares how the key to lasting joy is humility. Joy is not pleasure, a mere sensation, but a pervasive and constant sense of wellbeing. As author and Biblical scholar Dallas Willard said, "Hope in the goodness of God is joy's indispensable support." There can be no lasting joy in the life of a Christ-follower who puts himself and his happiness above others.
Happy: Know Joy No Matter What
With this message, we start a new series across all our campuses entitled "Happy: Know Joy No Matter What". Most happiness seems to rise and fall on our circumstance. But joy comes from a different place. Deep and lasting joy comes from knowing the source of joy — Jesus. In this message from Philippians 1, Pastor Skyler shows that joy is not elation. Joy is unwavering peace because of the unwavering faithfulness of a loving God. It begins with doing life with Jesus. Do you have that joy that only comes with doing life with Jesus?