Causality, Week 5: From Being Rich to Being Blessed
Are you rich? Most of us don't feel that way but by global standards, we're far more wealthy than we feel. Yet there's a distinct difference between being rich and being blessed. Being blessed is having God's supernatural power working on and in your life.
In this message, Pastor Skyler wraps up our Causality series by discussing the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4. How do you move from being rich to being blessed? You hear the Word of God and put it into practice. Everything you have is from the Lord. When you trust in God's design, then God pours out his blessing.
Causality, Week 4: Seek and Find
We're all running, but too often we don't know where we're going. There's too much fronting--pretending--but lack of awareness of what we're searching for.
All of us are searching for something. We begin to ask ourselves some of the big questions: Why am I here? Is there a God?
Causality, Week 3: Comfort and Contentment
The last five online purchases you made were probably less about necessity and more about convenience. We live in the most comfortable time in history. But does it make us content?
Causality, Week 2: Remain in Me
Galatians 5 tells us the "fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Just imagine how different things would be if our lives were filled with these qualities.... Our marriages. Relationships with family and friends. Our country.
In this series, Pastor Skyler reminds us we cannot will our way--on our own--to be more like God. We can't chant our way to enduring peace or white-knuckle our way to unwavering patience. A lasting experience of the fruit of the Spirit comes from this simple picture in John 15: Jesus is the vine, we are the branches. What your heart craves is not found in other people or circumstances. The answer? Stay connected to Jesus and do what the Bible says.
Causality, Week 1
With this message we begin our new series entitled Causality. It's about the relationship between cause and effect. There is a relationship between what we do and what happens as a result. We live in a when/then world, but we also serve a when/then God. Join us for this message as Pastor Skyler shares from Ephesians 2 and Matthew 7, helping us understand that when we build our life on the rock, God helps us have an unshakable life.