Kids Church Takeover!
Welcome to the Heritage Kids Take Over service! This special service was designed to give us all a taste of what each weekend offers for the children of Heritage Church. Join us for this replay of the Take Over!
Fear of Man
Have you ever noticed a change in your behavior when you are around certain people? Do you ever find yourself paralyzed by what someone might think about you? What if all of your striving and competitive spirit came from a heart of fear?
In this message, Pastor Carlos unpacks Galatians 1 and 2 to help us understand and address the fear of man. As Ed Welch has written, "Anything that erodes the fear of God will intensify the fear of man." When our fear makes people big, we make compromises. We too easily forget who God is, and who we are in His eyes. Pastor Carlos reminds us that culture is in the full-time spiritual formation business. The more we mature in Christ, the more we grow in our awe and reverence of God. And this allows us to need people less so we can love them more.
How the World Knows We Are Children of God
Who are you? The question of identity is under siege today, with people determined to divide us into various tribes. For true followers of Christ, we have been given a new nature that leads us like a compass to aim for what is right. If actions reveal our identity, what do our actions say about us?
In this message, Pastor Carlos challenges us from 1 John 2 and 3 to live a life of love and obedience, not to gain salvation but as an appropriate response to the great love that the Father has lavished on us. Children of God live with eternity in mind, allowing us to re-frame how we see the day-to-day events of our lives.
Pastor Carlos reminds us of a lesson he learned in seminary, that a true evaluation of our understanding of theology is not measured by answering questions on a test. Rather, it's better measured by how we live each day, seeking to honor and glorify our gracious Lord.
January 22, 2017 Service
Miles Beatty, Chairman of our Elder Team, sits with Pastor Skyler and Pastor Brian to discuss Pastor Brian's call to a new church.
New Year's 2017
At Heritage Church, we unapologetically follow Jesus. In Him, we find one of the most compelling figures in all of history. In this New Year's message from Luke 19, Pastor Kip unpacks how Jesus had the power to draw people to himself, no matter what they had done or who they were. In 2017, nothing is going to stop us from engaging in the same mission as Jesus.
Colossians 4:2-6
Sharing the story of Christ's transforming power is a true privilege and responsibility that we have as followers of Christ. In this message, Pastor Carlos walks us through Colossians 4:2-6, unpacking the critical ingredient to experiencing the power of Christ in our lives and sharing a powerful witness to those around us. "You cannot effectively talk about God if you're not talking to God."