Jesus summarizes the Old Testament law by telling us to love God and love your neighbor. It’s sounds like a simple task. But Jesus unpacks the complexity of the truth of what it means to authentically love those around you. And He also redefines our definition of a neighbor. And He challenges us to neighbor in a way that crosses lines, inconveniences our schedules, and forces us to step into the awkward spaces.
Jesus summarizes the Old Testament law by telling us to love God and love your neighbor. It’s sounds like a simple task. But Jesus unpacks the complexity of the truth of what it means to authentically love those around you. And He also redefines our definition of a neighbor. And He challenges us to neighbor in a way that crosses lines, inconveniences our schedules, and forces us to step into the awkward spaces.
Jesus summarizes the Old Testament law by telling us to love God and love your neighbor. It’s sounds like a simple task. But Jesus unpacks the complexity of the truth of what it means to authentically love those around you. And He also redefines our definition of a neighbor. And He challenges us to neighbor in a way that crosses lines, inconveniences our schedules, and forces us to step into the awkward spaces.
Jesus summarizes the Old Testament law by telling us to love God and love your neighbor. It’s sounds like a simple task. But Jesus unpacks the complexity of the truth of what it means to authentically love those around you. And He also redefines our definition of a neighbor. And He challenges us to neighbor in a way that crosses lines, inconveniences our schedules, and forces us to step into the awkward spaces.