As we celebrated Mother's Day, we acknowledged that the comparison game is something that uniquely impacts moms. In this message, you'll hear from Pastor Skyler and his wife Amy, talking about how a mom who seeks to honor Christ in her life can thrive in a comparative world.
We continue our Yardsticks series, where we're asking "Who or what are you going to use as your yardstick?"
In this message, Pastor Skyler walks us through Galatians 4:4-6. God's law is written on our hearts and reveals our nature. That nature reveals our need for a Savior.
The incredible message of the gospel is that the Savior came to redeem us. Salvation is not just to help us sleep better at night or to avoid hell. We've been adopted--as sons and daughters. The Savior of the world is our Abba--daddy! God sees it all and loves us anyway. Our past is forgiven, our future is full, and we're never alone.
Join us for this replay that reminds you that if you could just see yourself like God sees you, everything would be different.
Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:4 that all toil and achievement spring from one person's envy of another. In our new series entitled Yardsticks, we chase this idea, shining a light on our tendency to compare ourselves with others, which, as Solomon goes on to say, is "a chasing after the wind."
We will always miss the mark when we measure ourselves against the wrong things. Technology, such as social media, provides an endless stream of each others' highlight reels, serving up false perceptions of reality. In this message, Pastor Skyler shares insights from Ecclesiastes and 2 Corinthians to help us avoid the stress of the comparison trap.
Are you exhausted trying to keep up? Are you allowing what others have to ruin what you have? Do you find yourself wanting more instead of being thankful for what you have? There is a better way. Join us in the coming weekends as we continue our Yardsticks series.
Throughout our Yardsticks series, we've considered an important question for each of us: who or what do we look to in order to understand our value and significance?
Too often we want grace for ourselves but justice for others. In this final message of the series, Pastor Skyler uses a parable in Matthew 20 to remind us that if we want to avoid the comparison trap, we need to embrace grace.
Everyone wins with grace. Grace isn't fair, but it is the antidote to envy. And once we embrace this truth, freedom follows.