Heritage Church began in 2016, but our story is much older than that. For decades, families have served, sacrificed, and built the foundation of our church and we are standing upon that foundation today. What God has done in the past six years alone, no one could have imagined!
We have planted campuses & churches that are reaching new communities, watched hundreds and hundreds of people growing in their faith through small groups & discipleship, and have invested nearly $1 million in ministries, church plants, and outreach organizations here and around the world! AND IT ALL BEGAN BECAUSE WE FOLLOWED GOD’S HEART TO BE A CHURCH THAT NEVER STOPPED REACHING THE ONE THAT WAS LOST.
For the past 2yrs, we have been following God’s leading as a church, to make room for more and more people to find and follow God. And now the time has come for Heritage Church to take another step and expand our facilities here at our Lake Zurich Campus. We have much to celebrate… but we are just getting started!
Lake County has over 700,000 people, yet only a small percentage are a part of a life-giving faith community. We believe God is preparing thousands more who will come to know the Hope found in Jesus, so generations may be changed forever. The time has come for Heritage Church to begin a new chapter in the story God is writing. We are launching a 2-year financial campaign called FOR THE ONE, allowing us to make room for more at our Lake Zurich Campus by expanding our current facility.
The expansion will create a new adjoining structure to our current building and will increase our capacity to reach more adults, students, and children.
1,000 seat auditorium
Additional 24,000 square feet of Ministry space
Increased main lobby & new cafe
Expanded Heritage Kids rooms
Expanded space for Heritage 139, our special needs ministry
Launching our Heritage Leadership Academy
Increased Community Partnerships and Counseling Spaces
We are trusting God to move through His people and others to raise $11.5 million through our For The One Campaign.
$2.3M Existing Mortgage
$7.2M New Construction
$2M Renovations & Reserves
These funds will payoff our existing mortgage, build out the interior and exterior of our existing building, and build an additional 24,000 square feet to accommodate our new auditorium, lobby, café, and meeting rooms.
As a result of intentional long-term planning, wise stewardship and fiscal responsibility, Heritage Church is already in a position to apply $3 million toward this expansion project and has closed on a construction loan for the balance. This leaves $8.5 million as the needed amount towards becoming debt-free and to begin rebuilding our cash reserves for future ministry initiatives.
We have already been approved for zoning and use and are currently in the construction permit approval phase. We will continue to update our timeline as we take our next steps towards opening in Winter of 2023!
Prayerfully consider your sacrificial 24-Month commitment, asking God to show you what He would have you give above and beyond your normal tithe and offering.
Please fill out your 2 year Pledge/Commitment below and begin giving to “FOR THE ONE”.