The story of Christmas did not begin with Jesus’ birth, it began the moment God breathed into creation. To fully appreciate the spirit of Christmas, we must understand the story of the Bible. It is a journey of Sin to Savior, Slavery to Freedom and Despair to Deliverance. May we discover the story of Christmas again with fresh eyes and open hearts.
A classic story told this time of year is Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. It offers a timeless lesson that seeing things from the perspective of the future--especially when it involves suffering or death--opens our eyes, changing how we live today. We continue our Greatest Story Ever Told series with this message from Luke 16, regarding the story Jesus told about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Just as the rich man was blinded by his wealth, Pastor Carlos shows how we all need to open our eyes to see the idols that blind us to the invisible people around us and to the riches of Christ that are available to those who have been adopted into the kingdom of God.
Christmas is such a wonderful time of year--except when it hurts. For some, this time of year is a reminder of who isn't with us. People we've lost. Or relationships that are strained. In this message, Pastor Austin shows how the Bible speaks to the entire human experience, including times of despair. Despair is not the end of the story. Deliverance is. Happiness isn't the goal. It's fleeting and fickle. Isaiah 9 shows us that joy is available now, despite the despair, knowing that God's got this.
The story of Christmas did not begin in the manger. To fully appreciate the story of Christmas, you need to understand the story of the Bible. In our new series entitled The Greatest Story Ever Told, we're seeking to provide a fresh perspective on the familiar account we celebrate at Christmas. In this first message of the series, Pastor Skyler takes us back to the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3. Why did Jesus come on Christmas? Because even way back at the beginning, we learn that sin always brings death. Man cannot pay for his own sin--only God can cover that. Join us for a replay of this message for a renewed perspective as you prepare for Christmas this year.